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The Process of Selling Your Structured Settlement

Selling Structured Settlements Is A Complex Business

The Process of Selling Your Structured Settlement

The Process of Selling Your Structured Settlement

Many first-time structured settlement sellers are surprised to learn that selling their structured settlement isn’t as easy as walking into an office and walking out with a check; however, the process itself is not complicated and actually quite simple once you know what to expect.

How to reach out to a structured settlement buyer?

The first step in the process is something you have most likely already done or are planning to do reach out to a structured settlement buyer to get a quote. we make it easy for our customers to find out exactly how much they’re entitled to by either calling us directly or filling out a quote form online.

Once you have a quote, the next step is to discuss your personal situation with the structured settlement buyer and determine if selling your structured settlement is the right choice for you. If you have a valid reason for selling your structured settlement that will improve your circumstances, the company will agree to purchase your structured settlement.

Legal Requirements

Before the deal can be finalized, a state court must approve the transaction. If you are working with a reputable structured settlement buyer, this simply means explaining to a judge your reason for selling your structured settlement.

After a judge has signed off on the transaction, your structured settlement buyer will issue your funds and you can put them towards improving your life. Companies make the transaction as quick and easy for our customers as possible, typically completing the entire process from the initial quote to receiving funds in 45-90 days, which is the industry standard.

The Process of Selling Your Structured Settlement

If you are considering selling your structured settlement or annuity, congratulate yourself on taking the most important step in the process by reading this Article getting the knowledge you need to make the best decision.

Selling a structured settlement can be one of the biggest decisions of your life. If done for the right reasons, you can substantially improve your circumstances and be much better off in the long run; however, if done for the wrong reasons, it can have a devastating effect on your future financial prospects.

Is selling a structured settlement the right decision?

The best way to determine if selling a structured settlement is the right decision for you is to get the knowledge you need to fully understand the process and the options available to you. Reading this Article is the perfect first step in acquiring the basic foundation of how you’ll need to act in your own best interest. After reading this Article, you’ll be armed with the education to deal effectively with structured settlement buyers and ensure you receive the most money.

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We want to make sure everyone who considers selling their structured settlement, annuity, or lottery winnings has the information they need to make an informed, intelligent decision. After reading this Article, you will have the information and insight to successfully navigate the structured settlement buying industry and make the choice that best serves your interests.